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Match documents where the attribute at path is greater than (or equal to) low and less than (or equal to) high.


IN_RANGE(path, low, high, includeLow, includeHigh)

The values low and high can be numbers or strings, but each value must have the same data type.

pathattribute path expressionThe path to the attribute in the document.
lownumber or stringMinimum range value.
highnumber or stringMaximum range value.
includeLowboolIf true, the value specified in low is included in the range.
includeHighboolIf false, the value specified in high is included in the range.

The alphabetical order of characters is not taken into account by search. Range queries in SEARCH operations against views do not follow the language rules as defined by a locale analyzer.

Example 1

This query returns documents with the attribute value between and including 3 to 5:

FOR doc IN viewName
SEARCH IN_RANGE(doc.value, 3, 5, true, true)
RETURN doc.value

This also matches documents which have an array of numbers as value attribute where at least one number is within the specified boundaries.

Example 2

You can also use string boundaries and a text analyzer to match documents which have at least one token within the specified character range:

FOR doc IN valView
SEARCH ANALYZER(IN_RANGE(doc.value, "a","f", true, false), "text_en")

Assume a collection contains the following values:

{ "text": "foo bar" }
{ "text": "foo" }
{ "text": "bar" }
{ "text": "foo baz" }
{ "text": "baz" }

The previous example returns bar and foo bar because b is within the specified range. However, foo is excluded because f is excluded by includehigh.